Friday, 16 September
9:30 a.m.
Introduction / Keynote

Prof. Monika Kovarova-Simecek
St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences

Prof. Stéphanie Mittelbach-Hörmanseder
Vienna University of Economics and Business

Eloy Barrantes
10:00 a.m.
Digital concepts in corporate publishing

Eva Schneeweiß

Manuela Göd
Over the past years, annual and sustainability reports have
changed their format and adapted to the reception habits of their users. Instead of being used as printed
publications, most reports are read on screen nowadays. What are the main challenges in terms of concept and
design in digital reporting and why should reports be designed for screens in the future?
In this session, we explained how to create high-quality web-specific content for a digital audience,
based on some best practice examples.
11:00 a.m.
New look: HUGO BOSS

Laura Hennig

Julian Müller

Verena Pölzl
2021 was a year of change for HUGO BOSS: a new strategy, a new brand identity and a new organisational structure. The last annual report reflects this in a perfect manner. In this session we presented the design and concept.
12:00 p.m.
CEO videos in 20 minutes

Claudio Barrantes

Moritz Schwarzl
You would love to have a CEO video statement in your next
online report, but your CEO has almost no time for a shooting?
In this hands-on
workshop, we explained how good preparation can result in a professional CEO video statement with only 20
minutes of actual shooting time.
12:00 p.m.
Push Reporting: Schaeffler

Andreas Possel

Lisa Schwedes
Push Reporting – the pro-active communication of reporting
content in social media and other channels – is the key part of every reporting strategy nowadays. With a
Google Ads campaign and social media activities you can drive more traffic to your digital report. In this
session, we showed how it works in practice.
Schaeffler, for instance, almost doubled the visits to their online Sustainability Report 2020.
2:30 p.m.
VR & AR in corporate reporting

Martin Sagmüller
Recent developments in digital reporting, an increase in
stakeholder interest and changing the focus of reporting (e.g. ESG) provide opportunities for companies to
innovate how they communicate.
In this session, we discussed findings from a recent report of the Financial Reporting Council Lab on
Virtual and Augmented Reality, demonstrated current practice, and highlighted opportunities for the future.
2:30 p.m.
Equity storytelling

Christian Schuchmann

Judith Rahner

Frederick Busch
How is your company earning money? How do you create value? Why
should people invest in your company? Answers to these and similar questions should be provided in every
annual report. However, there are only few best practice examples for strategy and equity storytelling,
which make use of interactive and animated visualisations.
In this session, we presented some best practice examples.
3:15 p.m.
The F in XBRL stands for fun!

Richard Bössen
AMANA, Member of the XBRL Standards Board (XSB)
When it comes to XBRL, companies are divided into two camps. Some say XBRL is the future of reporting. Others see XBRL as a major “pain point” and additional effort. But who uses the XBRL data in the end? What are analysts doing with iXBRL reports? And how can XBRL tagging be simplified, optimised and more “fun” in the future?
3:15 p.m.
IR communication on LinkedIn

Annette Hainz

Michael Otto

Eloy Barrantes
LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional social media
network. However, the platform is rarely used in terms of professional IR & sustainability
In this session, we explained why social media communication is getting super important for
your daily work in future (also in terms of reporting) and presented some best practice examples.
4:30 p.m.
(No) future for sustainability reports?

Sebastian Kühn
Stakeholder Reporting

Carolina Orlando
With the introduction of new EU regulations larger parts of the
sustainability report need to be integrated into the annual report. This raises a question: will there still
be a stand-alone sustainability report in the future?
If so, what will be the function and added value of the report? And what will the (digital) sustainability
report of the future look like? We discussed these questions in a fishbowl.
4:30 p.m.
Does design really matter?

Eva Schneeweiß

Richard Bössen
AMANA, Member of the XBRL Standards Board (XSB)
Major stakeholders such as analysts and institutional investors often say they are only interested in facts and figures: aesthetics of an annual report have no impact on their measurement and the stakeholders’ decisions. But is this true? We discussed it in a fishbowl.
5:30 p.m.
Summary / Endnote

Prof. Monika Kovarova-Simecek
St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences

Prof. Stéphanie Mittelbach-Hörmanseder
Vienna University of Economics and Business

Eloy Barrantes